29 August – 31 August 2023
IPBA Arbitration Day: Tackling Current Grey Areas in Arbitration – Towards Certainty and Finality
by Inter-Pacific Bar Association
30 August 2023, Wednesday
09:30 - 17:00
Maxwell Chambers

Four sessions during the day will tackle from different angles the current grey areas in arbitration and how to overcome them to reach certainty and clarity to ensure the best results for clients.


Please view event agenda here.

*This event is an in-person event. 

Number of Public CPD Points: 5

Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Training Level: General

SILE Attendance Policy

Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, this includes logging in at the start of the webinar and logging out at the conclusion of the webinar in the manner required by the organiser, and not being away from the entire activity for more than 15 minutes. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy will not be able to obtain CPD Points for attending the activity. Please refer to http://www.sileCPDcentre.sg for more information.